Upcoming events

  • Ginkgo & Atomicwork

    12/10/24 6:00-8:00 p.m.

    Atomicwork welcomes CIOs and IT leaders from Chicago and its Suburbs for a beautiful evening of networking and dinner discussion of "Traditional Service Management VS Agentic-AI and Modern Service Management."

    Over the past three decades, service management has undergone various maturity levels of transformation from in-person 1-1 asking help to telephones, email, and then portal-based ITIL processes. The ultimate goal is to help employees service their requests, report incidents, resolve problems, and track changes, and their impact is measured.

    With AI on the scene, Agentic-AI and Modern Service Management will disrupt the traditional approach to service management. During this dinner conversation, we will discuss and learn what Agentic-AI and Modern Service Management are and how they will change the future of the IT Service Management (ITSM) and Enterprise Service Management (ESM) space.

  • Ginkgo & Query

    12/12/24 4:30-8:30 p.m.

    You are invited to join Tim Colby, CEO of Gingko, along with Matt Eberhart, CEO of Query, to discuss the data challenges for security operators.

    Co-host guest Adam Page, CISO at Zurich will discuss how he and his team are addressing this challenge.